LDG Foundation Believes Everyone Deserves A Quality Place to Live

Helping young people grow into healthy, educated, and productive adults.

Our Job Begins When the Homes are Built

LDG was founded on the commitment to provide support for people and families to remain in their homes through funding programs and initiatives that will enrich the lives of individuals and families in communities and neighborhoods across the country.

Our Focus

We help children, families, and communities break the cycle of poverty by empowering people of all ages to dream, aspire and achieve.


Teaching children today allows for a brighter future, one in which they can both learn and teach. 


Vaccinating children against preventable disease enables them to live a healthy, productive life. 


It takes an entire community to raise a child. Once that community is formed, anything can be achieved. 


LDG Foundation was built on the foundation that 'everyone deserves a quality place to live.'

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